17 - 19 March 2025
ExceL London


Ton Knipscheer

Ton Knipscheer

Executive Director, European Co-Packers Association

Ton Knipscheer is Executive Director and board member at the European Co-Packers Association, ECPA.
He has held senior positions in the international packaging industry, including the Weidenhammer Packaging Group. As General Manager of the Dutch operation in Dordrecht, Customer Service Director for the UK plant in Bradford and Global Key Account Director for the Pringles account.
He co-owned a reputable co-packing company (Interpak) from 1987 until 2018, which was focussed on direct food packing.
In 2016 Ton started TK Packaging Consulting, with which he supports various international packaging companies with business development.
He is a juror of the VM Packaging Awards and is an active member of the Dutch Packaging Professionals Association (VNV).


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